I had an inkling two nights ago when my eyes began to ache, so I took my contacts out. And then I ended up dozing off on the couch around 7:30, which is unheard of for me. I awoke about two hours later with a lingering pain when I swallowed, and that's when I had to mentally admit that I'd caught yet another cold from a return flight. The price you have to pay for traveling, I guess.
The next morning I woke up with the full body ache and resigned myself to spending time on the couch, which was unfortunate because it was such a beautiful day and I hated to waste it. I napped on and off all day, but in the midst of my Bones marathon, I opted to take a blanket outside and lay in the sun until the wind felt like picking up and I had to once again venture inside. I thankfully had enough energy to make it to church in the evening to enjoy the Will Gaulkin Evangelistic Team put on an Irish Folk Concert at church. Even though I'm not Irish, I knew a bunch of the tunes that were played because I love that kind of music. It really put a smile on my exhausted face, especially being able to be there with my parents on either side of me. You see, when you are blessed with the opportunity to travel around the country, time home is sometimes sporadic, and must not be overlooked as a blessing in itself. It's not everyday that I can take in folk music with my parents, sick or healthy. On top of that, I need to remember what a beautiful area I live in, and I got that reminder tonight.
I can't quite put my finger on why, but this evening, I felt like a great weight was lifted off my shoulders. Maybe it was texts and emails with a friend who was thoughtful enough to inquire about my recent travels without me having to initiate the conversation. Maybe it was from watching The Help, which served as a reminder that people aren't always who you think they are. Maybe it was my health thankfully restoring itself quickly so that I feel like I have energy again. Or maybe it was the simple reminder from reading a blog post that we must take the time to enjoy every moment we have and think that where we are is exactly where we're meant to be on that particular day. It could be a combination of all of these things, but I almost feel like a completely new person, no longer concerned with what the world thinks and thankful for what blessings I do have in my life. Because let me tell you, focusing on that one thing you don't have in your life will sap all matter of energy out of your bones, and even your very soul.
Yet these things still aren't the best parts of my day. My favorite part of today involved a two minute walk to and from the mailbox tonight. In the dark. Right before midnight. Some of you might be city folk and gasping and the prospect of being female and walking alone at night. But if you're blessed with the opportunity to walk by yourself at night in the country, I suggest you take it because it's quite magical. Your senses are so keen to pick up the cool breeze on your face and the texture of rehardening gravel under your feet after an evening rain. And since spring has finally decided to make an appearance, the distinct sound of peepers can be heard near and far. Also, when you're three days away from a full moon, the night is by no means dark and scary. Sure, there are no city lights to illuminate your path, but I think it's even more beautiful to rely on the natural light of the moon. Plus, without street lights, you can actually see the brilliant stars up in the night sky that God intricately put into place.
My walk got me thinking, for once, not about what was missing in my life or where I should maybe be career wise. Instead, I looked forward to my summer that will be again spent along the Delaware River. I'm thankful for this one bit of consistency and the ability to make my own schedule, which should allow me to plan on having some friends visit in the summer to enjoy the great outdoors with me. I picture us kicking back in the bed of a pickup truck piled high with pillows to enjoy gazing at the night sky after roasting marshmallows over a campfire. What could be more adventurous than that? And to think, I am blessed with that opportunity in my own back yard. No need to travel thousands of miles. No need to make reservations. All I need to do is simply embrace the bliss that is my home.
Travel is essential in order to thoroughly enjoy all of the Lord's creation.
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Tales From the Fremont Troll to the Land of Pizza
Our next stop for the day was Pike's Place Market. After a few U-turns, we found a parking lot with obnoxiously tiny stalls to park in. It would have been easier to climb out a sunroof than to open a door, but a digress. We ventured over a little overpass that we decided to name "The Catwalk" since there was a bunch of random street art portraying cats. One was supposed to be Marilyn Monroe standing by an air vent, another was a soldier, and then there was an office nerd. Continuing up the street we saw a restaurant named The Spanish Table and a store named Ugly Baby and La Ru. I'm still confused by it all, but I guess that's allowed.
Wandering around the public market on a Saturday probably wasn't the best idea given all of the people, so it was hard to maneuver. I seemed like every shop was burning incense of some form, but that doesn't mean I wasn't thoroughly entertained. I think my favorite part was when we wandered into this random art shop and there were two guys chatting. Since the shop was so small, it was hard not to overhear what was being discussed. Soon I was keenly engrossed in this extremely preposterous story that all started with some dude breaking the back window of this guys car in front of a cop. The guy who broke the window ended up getting arrested and going to jail for an unknown period of time. The man telling the story apparently had to pickup somebody from the airport the day his window was broken, so he was none too thrilled. Whenever the perpetrator got out of jail, I guess he kept telling the man that he would help pay for the $700 worth of damage he had done to the man's car. But that apparently will now never happen because one day the perpetrator, at the age of 42, got thrown out of the window of a building and died. The end, that was all the guy said before asking us if we needed help finding anything. Thankfully Jim answered him because I was too busy trying to stifle my laughter while my back was turned to him. I by no means find it funny that the man died, but the story was just so super random, it was hard not to laugh.
Soon we found ourselves wandering again, stopping in record shops and a book store. Lana and I both looked at kids books. I flipped through the lovely story Everybody Poops while she looked at a book about people farting. Why children's books have to be about bodily functions I'll never quite understand. As we wandered through the store, the clerk began asking us questions and singing some responses. I wasn't quite sure what to make of the situation, but then again, my life is always a bunch of awkward moments pieced together for the world's amusement.
Yesterday Jim was kind enough to drop me off at Sea-Tac for my flight home. I briefly chatted with a woman in front of me in line at security. I of course was in a line for one of the fancy X-ray machines, but hey, at least the TSA agent liked my mismatched socks, which made the experience not so bad. I read a bit while sitting at my gate until an announcement was made that my gate had changed to one in the other corner of that section of the terminal. I picked up my bags and wandered that way, picking up my book again to make the time pass.
Once safely on the ground, I informed certain friends of my arrival like they requested before de-planing. I got a call from my brother telling me that he was stuck in traffic by the Holland Tunnel, so I made my way to the food court and made a beeline for Villa, which was serving pizza. I only ordered one slice, but it was huge and worthwhile. As I sunk my teeth into it, I was so happy to finally be back in the land of good pizza. Seattle made some decent attempts, but there is definitely something special about pizza made in New York. And with that, I knew I was close to home, and back where I belonged.
Fremont Troll,
Pike's Place Market,
Saturday, April 5, 2014
The Lumberjack Tourist
My first day, I slept in until 10am in order to beat jetlag before it had a chance to fully set in. I'm in a cozy little room and the end of the house, crashing on what would be a futon if I pulled it out, but I prefer sleeping on couches because I'm weird. After I showered, Jimbo asked if I wanted to go to the Museum of Flight since he had extra tickets. I was pretty excited about this prospect because my grandfather was an aerospace engineer who tested spacesuits with Northrop Grumman and then worked on F-14 tomcats and spiral staircase designs for Boeing.
Musuem of Flight,
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Faces in Airports
I’m currently writing this while I’m sitting at Gate A30 in
Newark International Airport. This is the second airport in the past five hours
that I’ve mingled in, but that mingling has evoked some interesting thoughts in
my head that I felt the need to express and convey to others.
Earlier today, I was at JFK International Airport waiting
for my brother to arrive from Germany. Up until yesterday I didn’t even know
what airline he would be flying back on due to the Lufthansa strike. You see,
the reason I’m in Newark is to fly to Seattle to visit a friend that I met
while volunteering with Samaritan’s Purse. He’s been bothering me for a year to
come visit so I could meet his daughter, since she always hears stories about
us volunteering together. A few weeks ago he bothered me again, but I told him
I’d get back to him since I was playing airport chauffeur for my dad and
brother. I mentioned to my mom the possibility of going to Seattle and she
jokingly told me to search for flights that were leaving the same day my
brother was flying back. Low and behold there was a relatively cheap flight
from Newark to Seatac, so I made the “plan” to pick up my brother and then make
my way to Newark for an evening flight. The thing is, though, that plans don’t
always go, well, as planned. And that’s been the story of my life, so I wasn’t
surprised that two days ago my brother told me his Lufthansa flight home was
already cancelled due to the strike and he wasn’t quite sure what to do. Even
though I had my “plan”, everyone in the family joked about how he would get
home. My Oma figured he could just swim home, and my mom joked that maybe he
would fly home via Australia in case the volcano in Iceland decided to erupt.
Neither of those things happened, thankfully, so he booked a flight back on
Singapore Airlines, our typical airline when traveling to and from Germany. To
stick with the whole God-laughing-in-the-face-of-plans theme, my brother told
me over lunch that he almost wasn’t able to fly back today because he
accidentally booked for April 3rd as opposed to the 2nd,
but the booking agent thankfully got him onto the flight today. But I digress.
While waiting in JFK, I did my usual people watching
interspersed with reading. I’m currently reading Packing Light by
Allison Vesterfelt, which is all about living life with less baggage, both
literally and figuratively. What I noticed while I stood around Terminal 4 was,
not only are there individuals from all over the world with different styles,
religions, and skin colors, but they all have a variety of facial expressions.
Without even talking to any of the people who were disembarking flights, I
could tell exactly how they felt. Some looked exhausted from their
international flights. Others looked exuberant, ready to explore a new found
city on their travel itinerary. Then there were my favorite, the joyous
reunions between family and friends. You can just watch their faces light up
with immense joy to be reunited with those that they loved. Still, there are
others who, when you gaze into their eyes, you can sense a low-level panic just
beneath the surface. For those individuals, I imagine they either aren’t
comfortable traveling alone, or they are starting their lives over and are
overwhelmed by all of the unknowns within their future. So many faces surround
me, and they all hold their own story.
As I sit at gate A30, though, the faces are still different.
Many look serious, probably in an attempt to get some work done while waiting
for boarding. Others are kicked back attempting to relax while they wait. Some
are sipping on overpriced beverages that they bought at the nearby food court,
probably secretly hoping they won’t have to make a bathroom run too close to
boarding. Parents entertain young children, while others shut themselves out
from the world around them using any means possible, but typically this is in
the form of headphones, laptops, or smart phones. Everyone desperate to connect
with people, just not with those on the seats adjacent to where they’re at.
I hope that there are others who take the time to be as
observant as me, willing to take in their surroundings and not miss anything
amid the hustle and bustle of daily life. We are so easily consumed by
distractions that we hardly ever take the time to look into someone’s face, let
alone their eyes, to truly get a sense of how they’re feeling. The face tells
no lies, whereas communications through devices are always deceiving.
As I
close this airport ramble, it is my hope that you will take the time today to
not be so selfishly engrossed in your own world, but rather to take a minute to
look outside it. Share a friendly smile or head nod with someone, or any other
sort of acknowledgement so that you each know you’re not in this daily battle
Allison Vesterfelt,
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