Started out on our drive this morning at 6:30 am. Drove west on I-33 in Idaho to meet up with I-15 North towards Montana. Along the way Chrissy spotted a bald eagle flying next to the river and back to its nest. There also happened to be snow flurries as soon as we crossed into Montana this morning, which is making me look forward to California even more. Made our way to the Bayern Brewery in Missoula. There happened to be a white cat chilling on the bar as soon as I walked in and it followed me down the bar stools and sat on my lap. I was very amused because the cat's fur was cut like a lion giving it a mane and a skinny tail that was bushy at the end. Chrissy and I sampled Dragon's Breath, Dumptruck, and Maibach. I ended up getting a Maibach pint glass and a Faceplant beanie.

We then ventured off to find my uncle's place in the hills of Montana. It was great to see him again after five years, even though we were both a bit anxious about the meeting (it's what we do haha). I enjoyed listening to his stories of growing up watching Joe Namath play football, going to Broncos games, and a party he went to on Lake Tahoe. He also talked about college and how he struggled through biochemistry. Chrissy and I enjoyed petting his cats Darwin, Jake, and Keira. Jake apparently likes to use Bob's cactus for a brush every time he walks by. I showed him some pictures from the Tough Mudder and he said he was very proud of me and that he would have done the race if he was my age. Uncle Bob also told me about a 100 mile race that they are holding in his area, but might get postponed due to the grizzly bears. The three of us then wandered up to the house that is for sale on the ridge for $600,000. It has a five car garage and a beautiful deck view. Darwin happened to tag along on our walk, which was entertaining. Uncle Bob showed me his Boy Scout knife that he has kept for 45 years and he talked about his running days and how he medaled at the Penn Relays back in the day.
Chrissy and I left after 3 hours and drove back to Missoula to eat dinner at the Cracker Barrel. I was very excited to eat steak, mashed potatoes, and corn. Now we are chilling at Starbucks before venturing northward towards Kalispell.
Should the tough mudder race add another dimension by running it in grizzly bear country?!