We slept in Tuesday morning and then decided to sit out on our balcony so that we could enjoy our room and view before we trekked north. We spent the entire day driving to our campsite in Asheville, North Carolina. To keep ourselves occupied, we listened to
Harry Potter on audio book that Chrissy had on her Ipod. We reached our campsite around 1:30am and decided to sleep in the truck to save time from having to assemble/disassemble the tent.

On Wednesday, we got up around 8:30am and drove to the Biltmore Estate so that we could tour the chateau and the gardens. The architecture was amazing, and I thought it was cool that Frederick Law Olmstead (the man who designed Central Park in New York City) planned out the gardens for the estate. After the tour, we went to Antler Village, which is a few miles from the house but still on the estate since the estate is on 8000 acres, and did some complimentary wine tasting to finish off our visit. The Riesling and Merlot were my favorites.

After the Biltmore, Chrissy and I drove about 90 miles on the Blue Ridge Parkway so that we could enjoy the scenery and see the Linville Viaduct. We also picked up a nice orange cone at the Green Knob Overlook just for kicks. Given that we had lots of energy, we decided that the best idea was to drive straight to my house from North Carolina. We stopped for Subway around 7pm, and then a Burger King/gas station around midnight. At the gas station, there happened to be some bargain Christian books for sale, so of course Chrissy and I broke down and got some. We both already have shelves of books that we need to read, but haven't been able to because school keeps us busy, but we figure one can never have too many books. We made it halfway through the 3rd
Harry Potter book before we reached my house at 4:30am on Thursday. Thankfully Chrissy had her key to get into the garage, and then we just knocked on the door and my dad let us in. He knows me so well and figured that we would be arriving. My parents were really excited to see us and we shared stories until they went to work at 7am and then Chrissy and I slept until the middle of the afternoon. Went and bought a steak for dinner and then we shared presents and videos after dinner. Chrissy and I stayed up late trying to figure out what to do with our patches and pins and then my brother showed up around 12:30 am so we got to show him our videos and presents. He was very excited to hear about all of it. Went to sleep around 4am and I got up to watch the Germany v Serbia game. The referee was horrible to say the least, and I'm livid that Klose got kicked out for fouls that were not card worthy. The USA v Slovenia was a good game, but again, the referee was awful. I'm hoping that things are better with England v. Algeria.
When will I learn to not underestimate who will show up at our door at what nutty hour?!