But I digress. Justine gave me a tour of her lovely home. I loved her wall of photos at the base of the staircase because it captured so many great moments and people in her life. I particularly loved the picture of her dad when he had a bit of a fro. A side of him I never saw in his lifetime. There was also a picture upstairs of her father sitting in the woods that she likes to call, "The Thinker." It's amusing knowing the background behind it. I also got to see the Green Changes inventory (organic t-shirts) that she keeps in her basement to take to showings and demos at Whole Foods and other events. I came away with three; one made out of beer bottles and says "ask me what i'm made out of", one that says "got green?", and another that says "green is the new black." We sat in the kitchen for the majority of the two hour visit chatting about life and her dad. Justine also made a fruit smoothie with her Vitamax that I tried, but passed up for grape juice and seltzer. I had some warm cereal with organic vanilla yogurt while she enjoyed a veggie burrito. I was so grateful to be able to spend some quality time with Justine after so many years.

I chose to make a side trip to Peace Valley park to get a run in and to lay out in the sun to read. After my hour detour, I made my way into downtown Doylestown. I quickly browsed the Buck's County Running Company and then went to Starbucks for a frappucino, which happened to be half off when I arrived. I dabbled on the internet briefly and then made my way to the used bookstore. I love used book stores. The smell of old pages and book bindings is very comforting to me. I found a few books that I liked, but I decided to only get The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis. My next stop was Owowcow, which is a homemade creamery in Wrightstown. Justine likes to call it Oh Holy Cow because the owners go to her church. I opted for a sampling of the vanilla chocolate chip icecream and then drove like mad to Buck's County Community College in order to catch the Improv show: The Games Within the Games. It was a good way to finish out my long day. I laughed plenty throughout the entire production. I made it home around midnight and stayed awake awhile longer in order to let my brother into my apartment so he could crash for the night.
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