I'm a diehard soccer fan. My father is from Germany, so it's the only ball sport he really knows, so I grew up not only watching games, but also playing since I was five years old. My competitive career ended in the 8th grade because I was a better cross country runner than I was soccer player, but I played intramural soccer in college and indoor soccer last winter with a bunch of guys (I was 1 of 2 girls) from around the world. We joked that it was our own little UN meeting in Mount Pocono.

Even though I haven't kept up on my skills, I have definitely kept up with my fandom. From my memory, I've watched all the World Cups since Valderamma played for Colombia (I remember his crazy hair). I was in Germany for the 2006 Men's World Cup and the 2011 Women's World Cup. When it comes to men's soccer, I cheer for Germany since I'm a dual citizen and they clearly have a better team than the United States. When it comes to women's soccer, though, I struggle because both Germany and the USA are so good. If they aren't playing each other, the choice is easy. But when they play each other, it's a real toss up because I appreciate both teams so much.

Back in 2010, I was bummed that there was a USA vs Germany game in Cleveland the day before I left on my cross country roadtrip. It would have been awesome and amazing to begin the trip by going to the game, but that just wasn't in the cards in 2010. Thankfully, though, I was able to cross a USA vs. Germany soccer game off my bucket list last night. Team USA is currently on a victory tour since they came home with the Olympic gold medal from London. When I was watching one of their televised games, I noticed the billboard in the background advertising that the USA would play Germany, so I quickly went online for details. At first I was bummed again because the first thing that popped up was that the teams were playing in Chicago, but then I realized that there would be a game in East Hartford, CT, only 3.5 hours from home, which to me is just down the road. I immediately purchased tickets and anxiously awaited for October 23rd to arrive.

Yesterday I muddled around the house before I hopped, well more like hobbled, into the car to drive to Rentschler Stadium for the game. I arrived around 5:30pm and was thankful for my water resistant winter coat and Goretex pants since it began raining and did not really let up until the tail end of the game. I waited in line outside the gates since they weren't open yet, and then I made a beeline for the merchandise stand to buy a scarf. On my way there, I quick stopped to purchase a program on the off chance I would be able to get autographs, and plus, I enjoy reading so it seemed like an appropriate fan purchase. I then made my way to my seat, which was in section 121 row 8 seat 9. When I sat down, the woman in front of me turned around for small talk, making me feel welcome and at home in a stadium of over 18, 000 people. She had apparently flown up from Virginia specifically for the game and was a little bummed about the rain, but happy that she was there.

I was really happy with my seating arrangement right at midfield. It made for optimum picture taking, since I wanted to document the moment the best I could. Taking pictures during the game did detract slightly from me focusing on the big picture, but I witnessed all of the goals and don't feel like I missed out at all. I was able to get some great closeups of both German and American players, and some great action shots as well.

Even though the game ended in a tie, I was very happy for the number of goals. Each team scored two goals, and each one was unique in execution. I was thrilled for the header by Abby Wambach, since she is a legend in the sport already. It was also great to see the up and coming Tobin Heath score a goal. The Germans definitely dominated possession in the first half, and I couldn't even be frustrated that they scored since I really like the German team. I'm just a bit rusty on who plays because the team is young and my two favorite players, Prinz and Gerafrekes, have both retired from international play. The game was definitely thrilling, and I felt very at home in the crowd because I was able to answer certain questions about players and I was able to joke about the weather with the woman next to me as she gave me updates on the front from her iPhone. For a diehard soccer fan, the night couldn't have been any better. Drier, but not better.
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