Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Paintball: Good Release of Aggression

For his birthday, my friend, George, decided that he wanted to get a group of people together to go paintballing at Skirmish USA. I had never gone paintballing before, so I wasn't totally sure what to expect.
When we arrived, I got geared up in camo and body armor in an attempt to protect myself from the speeding projectiles that would soon be coming my way. We split up into two teams so that it was 8 vs. 8, and then got our goggles, guns, air, and ammo. Our first two games were total elimination, and once you got hit, you were out. Because my father and I enjoy bonding at the rifle range, I surprised some of George's military friends with my shooting accuracy. I avoided getting hit in the first two games that we played in a wooded area. For our third game, we went to a place called Tippman City for capture the flag. Turns out, urban warfare is not really my thing. I was doing alright until George spotted me and shot me in the arm and head. For the next game, I regained my composure. I guarded our flag from the top of a building for the first five minutes before I decided to advance along the left flank with a couple of my other teammates. I came up behind Chrissy, who informed me that there was someone in the bottom corner of the building with the flag, but they were content avoiding fire than protecting the flag. We decided that I should go for the flag as she and a couple others provided cover fire, so I booked it, grabbed the flag, and made it back to our end safely, winning the match.
Next stop was the castle, which was close quarters and both teams attempting to go for the same flag. I got hit in the face and crook of the elbow, which left a mark. My second game in the castle got me eliminated on my first step forward, which I was not thrilled about. Luckily, we took a lunch break so that I could recuperate.
We then played on a field called Central Park, which is a wooded field with a bunch of bunkers. Chrissy and I got trapped in the bunker 10 feet in, but were able to keep steady fire on the other team so that they couldn't advance. I was just happy to not get eliminated. We then moved on to another castle to play an attack and defend game. My team attacked first and could re-spawn after getting hit. I had two good head shots on players; one through a window and one on somebody who sat on the stairs to try and find cover to reload. I then went around to the right to find George. He provided cover fire as I went for the flag, which we got in 11:26. Unfortunately, defending did not go as well. The other team came in through the siege tower. As I came to the window to try and fire against them, I could hit in the shoulder and the head again, which hurt like no other, and probably gave me a mild concussion that I felt the symptoms of later in the evening once I was home. For our last game, we played on the Alamo field for a total elimination game. I got hit in the shins numerous times while I was behind a slotted barricade. I then moved up to the building where Chrissy was and drew fire, which got me shot in the temple. Luckily, Chrissy was able to retaliate and get the guy out because he didn't realize two people were in that building.
Overall it was a super fun day and I would definitely play again. It's an expensive activity to partake in, but supplies one with hours of fun. I would definitely recommend it to those who enjoy tactical games.

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