On Saturday, August 13, I really had no idea what I was getting myself into when Josh invited me to accompany him to Dushore, PA, for the annual Founder's Day Outhouse Races. We arrived at Dane's house to see a large gathering of people all wearing red shirts emblazoned with
Super Septic Suckers on the back and a trailer holding the 3-time champion outhouse. Everybody was busy chatting and gearing up for the big evening while Josh and I took in our surroundings eating our Subway sandwiches.

Soon it was time for a few announcements. Dan gave a valiant speech outlining the integrity of the
Super Septic Suckers, or SSS. He described how the torch would soon be passed to the
Second Super Septic Suckers and the hopes that their endless training would pay off. Group pictures were taken and strategies were discussed amongst the teammates before we all loaded up onto the truck and trailer to cruise into the bustling metropolis of Dushore. Some marched behind the trailer carrying a large American flag, while the remaining members waved from the trailer as the team was announced.

After unloading the famed outhouse, the teams involved took the traditional walk through of the course before the racing began. The
Super Septic Suckers took part in the first race against the
Dushore Poo-lice. All was going well until the turn around the monument when the SSS rig had a wheel malfunction. They had to come to a complete stop and finish the rest of the course without the use of the left front wheel, but they still managed to cross the finish line in a stunning 45 seconds and move into the round of 8. There was much drama surround the
Second Super Septic Suckers semifinal race due to the fact that one of the pushers fell right before the finish line and was not holding onto the outhouse when it crossed the finish, which gave them a 4 second penalty, taking them out of the final race. The final race came down to the
Super Septic Suckers and the
Dushore Poo-lice following the penalty, and unfortunately, SSS fell to second place for the first time in 4 years. They raced valiantly, but unfortunately, tired legs just couldn't come out on top. I would definitely recommend this event to anybody who happens to be in the Dushore area on the second Saturday in August.
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