On Wednesday, Chrissy and I decided to escape the Burg for some stress relief. We both needed it desperately, but for different reasons. For me, it was due to the frustration of job searching to no avail, whilst Chrissy has her last semester of classes and her prospectus looming. Needless to say, we needed some distractions. We started out by playing cards with my mother. This is always a good time because we throughly enjoy beating her and laughing about it. Since I needed something else to also keep my mind off the fact that my 15 year old cat, Midnight (aka Furface, Droolface, Demon Kitty), had just passed away in her sleep Monday, I decided to assemble a bunch of army men outside so that I could shoot them with a .22 rifle. Some might find this odd, but I find it to be quite soothing, and yes I promise I'm not some crazed psychopath. Anyways, my stress was quickly alleviated after aiming at the plastic army and Chrissy joined in on the fun. Soon, though, she had to work on her prospectus and I washed my car since it was filthy. Following a delicious steak dinner, my dad let us target practice with a .22 handgun and a .32 Ruger revolver. All in all, it was a very successful stress-relieving day =)

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