Friday, May 21, 2010

Crossing T's and Dotting I's

The end of this week has been spent finishing up some last minute errands in preparation for the trip. Using the tentative directions that I printed out, I flipped through my brother's Next Exit book and wrote down where numerous 24 hour gas stations are located along our route. I also copied some music from my friend, Lulu, in order to add songs to the playlists that I am creating (even though Chrissy claims that is her job). Other than finishing the playlists, I just have to research a little more about campgrounds and the national parks and whether there are certain hours particular parks are open.
Today, Chrissy got her truck, Connor, inspected. Everything is in tip-top shape and functioning properly. Two new tires were also put on, so we are set to go in that area. We have plenty of food and beverages to keep us nourished for our trip, so that will all get packed up Sunday night before Chrissy treks north to my mountain in Galilee, PA. Following the truck inspection, I went and had Teresa make me nice and blonde for the summer trip. We enjoyed the bonding time whilst watching the Season Five finale of Bones, trying to ignore the fact that we won't see each other for the next month.
This past week I have realized how truly blessed I am with friends and family in my life. I have said my goodbyes to the majority of them already, and they are all very concerned for my safety, along with Chrissy's. I understand where this is coming from. It's a long time for two girls to be traveling on their own and navigating across the country. We have taken into account the possible issues that could potentially arise, but are confident in our abilities and have great faith in God. Chrissy and I have discussed this on numerous occasions and we feel that on the off chance something bad does occur, it is God's will. There is no sense living in fear or else we won't ever experience anything. There is a quote from Bones that outlines my feelings in this situation. It's from when Angela was trying to convince Bones to have a meaningful relationship with Booth and she said, "If you keep living trying to protect yourself, nothing is ever going to touch you." In my mind, if I live within the confines of Northeast Pennsylvania, I may never get the full experience of life. There is also a Bible verse that explains having faith and trusting in the Lord. Proverbs 29:25 states "Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe." I am not going to rest on my laurels and let everybody else do the exploring in this world. This trip is a once in a lifetime experience, and I am going to take it because I believe that the risk is worth taking and that God will keep both Chrissy and me safe. So, I appreciate everybody's concern and advice in any and all situations, and am truly blessed to know how many people truly care about me, but the best thing for us during the trip is prayer.

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